How Much Does It Cost To Recharge A Central Air Conditioner?
A central air conditioner is essential to surviving a hot Chicago summer. If you have ever had your system break down, you know how important it is to get it back up and running again. You also know how expensive it can be for an air conditioning repair. A central air conditioner system, when installed and maintained properly, can provide you with many years of reliable use. However, as systems age and go unmaintained, problems can develop that lead to failure and loss of efficiency. One such problem that many homeowners in Chicago experience when it comes to their central air conditioner is having a low coolant level. A loss of refrigerant in your central air conditioner is almost always caused by a leak in your system.
If you have experienced a loss of cooling in your home you may have a leak in your system. How much you pay to solve the problem is entirely up to you though. This is because you have a few options when it comes to servicing a central air conditioner with low coolant. For example, if you have a very old ac system you may want to consider replacing your central air conditioner all together. If you have a new system, you will want to have a complete leak test performed to identify the location of the leak. If your system is middle aged, you may just want to pay for the recharging or your system, and see how long it will last. As you can see the prices can very depending on what best solves your problem.
For example, a nitrogen leak test, leak repair, a refrigerant recharge, and service call can easily cost you $800.00. A recharge only can run as much as $400. Replacing your central air conditioner unit can cost as much as $5000. Depending on your finances, the age of your system, and other factors, what solution will work best for you.