SpacePak Air Conditioner | High-Velocity Air Conditioning For Chicago Homes
SpacePak air conditioner systems have many benefits over traditional forced air. This is especially true for homes with radiant heat, older homes, and custom homes. When considering adding a cooling system to a home, there are many considerations. Budget, project difficulty, and duration all play important roles in an ac installation. A high velocity system offers homeowners flexibility when it comes to installing air conditioning in a home that currently has none.
SpacePack AC Installation Involves Minimally Invasive Installation
Installing central air conditioning in a home without it can be a daunting task. Ripping out walls to install ductwork is expensive, time consuming, and inconvenient. High velocity systems don’t require a complete demolition. This is because the system uses 2 inch, insulated flexible ductwork. Ductwork is installed in existing walls without tearing out large sections of drywall. It is aesthetically appealing and incredibly efficient. Also, the air handler is more compact than traditional units. This allows for installation in an attic, crawlspace or closet. The system uses 5 inch vents installed on floors, walls, or ceilings. This results in no reduction in comfort and efficiency.
SpacePack Air Conditioners Provide Maximum Comfort
Homes that incorporate a high velocity system enjoy next level comfort. Sound attenuators decrease noise levels in the home. While quiet operation may not seem important, it is greatly appreciated. Humidity removal is another consideration when it comes to comfort. High velocity systems remove up to 30% more humidity than traditional central air. This allows for the system to run a few degrees warmer without sacrificing comfort. Setting the thermostat higher also means lower utility bills.
When it comes down to it, a SpacePak system is the perfect solution for homes without central air conditioning. From minimally invasive installation to superior comfort homeowners looking for a cooling solution should strongly consider a high velocity system. The experts at Polar are certified to install high velocity air conditioning systems. If you would like a free estimate on a new system, contact us today.